Tuesday 26 March 2013

And the cycling begins!

I received an awesome email this afternoon:

'We’ve got some exciting news about your order: Your bike is being assembled!'

That's right - I will soon be the owner of this awesome speed machine:

I'm way more excited than I probably should be .. Cycling, wooo !!

My new job is currently a 1-hour commute - only 1 stop on the train, but there's a long walk to and from the station. However, I worked out that it's just 6 miles from home to my office - which means I can cycle there in under half the time it takes me to travel there at the moment! 

And as an added bonus, whilst I was too impatient to wait 3 months to get the bike through the 'ride to work' scheme - i.e., discounted - the sale price of the bike is actually less than I would have paid for 3 months of train tickets (yes, for just one stop .. which is costing me £6.40 a day. With my railcard, which theoretically offers 1/3 off the cost of train tickets, it would cost me £12. SouthWestTrains, I will never understand you).

I'm excited to add some regular, non-negotiable cross-training to my schedule each week, especially given the problems I've been having with my knees lately, thanks to the last few uber-long training runs.

Now I just need to stop slacking on the running, and I might just survive Brighton Marathon next month!

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